drawing of the "Flower of life", found on Egyptian
temples, Chinese screens and Mayan constructions, is thought
to represent the pattern underlying all life in our universe.
As a scientist, I stay in contact with
my fellow scientist's progresses and bring this understanding
to serve my clients.
At the fringe of official science, several independent
top scientists are looking to make sense of life, to understand
the workings of many things not yet defined by the presently
known laws of science. They create new paradigms, which they
test against our 3-D reality and show that contrary to a worldview
of Renaissance, ours is not just a mechanical world. There are
many dimensions of reality, each one with its specific laws.
With our thoughts we are able to access different vibratory
levels and to influence the concrete 3-D reality. This proves
that there is no true separation between these apparently so
different realities. A grain of sand at the beach communicates
with the stars of the universe. We all possess the information
out there and the universe, in each spot, has the information
of every single being on earth. This is the definition of a
holographic picture and we live in a holographic universe.