time before the official medicine with the discovery of microorganisms
and the idea of the human being as a kind of machine, a robot
made up of independent parts, there were already traditional
approaches to health, based on empirical observations and may
be a more global and profound understanding of the reality of
life. In many cases it showed excellent results. They were more
interested in prevention than most of the actual medicine. Understanding
the way of thinking in these traditional approaches helps to
see the coherence of different symptoms a person may show, which
in turn helps to go more directly to the cause of the difficulties
or illnesses. Examples may be traditional Chinese medicine,
homeopathy, also naturopathy using plant medicine as well for
their active ingredients as for their symbolic information,
and bodywork. The Kirlian photography of the ear shows a remarkable
similarity with an embryo. It is proven that many different
parts of the body posses a map of the whole organism. Reflexo-therapies,
through the feet, the spine, the nose, the earlobes, the hands
or the face, work in an indirect way deeply on the affected
system. During the last 25 years I kept learning and applying
these techniques to respond to the individual needs of my clients. |