some years now, medicine starts acknowledging the very close
interaction between mind and physical body.
A new discipline has been created, called neuro - psycho - immuno
- endocrinology, studying the interactions in this
mega-system, between the nervous, the immune and the hormonal
systems with the emotions and thought patterns. Experiments
and case histories, as I also have seen with my clients, show
that the attitude of a person determines to a great extent how
well she or he will recover from an illness, and that
our beliefs can even kill us. Happy people have a more active
immune system that prevents exterior aggressions of having any
deleterious effects. Their DNA is transcribing more genes that
are silenced in people with depression. At last Norman Cousin's
famous cure of cancer through joyful laughter has found scientific
support! A happy heart creates a happy mind and a happy body.
It is of great interest to me to keep up with new discoveries
and to understand what information I can integrate for the individual
needs of my clients. |