brain states are characterized by different frequencies of brain
waves. It so happens that every state creates its specific awareness
of reality. Besides our habitual alpha and beta states for waking
and delta for sleeping, deep meditation may take you to theta
waves, a state where there is hardly any presence of external
reality. By increasing the brain frequencies above 100 Hz (1
Hz = 1 wave per second), you could tell about out-of-body experiences.
So where is our "real person "? Esoteric
traditions tend to teach their students through specific exercises
to change their brain states. This affects also the way our
mind works and confronts us with various realities, a reality
being the way our mind reads and interprets our experience.
Once a person has learned to change her reality and to access
more open states, i.e. contact states where she is able to communicate
with other dimensions, to feel no separation between her and
the world around her, her experience of the "normal"
reality may also be transformed. It loses its absoluteness.
No longer will the person be caught up in her physical limitations
or narrow believes. Knowing by personal experience that to live
is to interpret in a very specific way what one is faced with,
bestows an immense sense of freedom and of security, of belonging
to a far larger reality than what we were made to believe. Our
reality extends much, much farther than our "physical senses"
can reach and we are part of it all. A
research carrier in Neurobiology and twenty years in service
to people suffering in their physical, emotional, mental or
spiritual body confirmed my finding. I trained in alternative
medicines and psychotherapies of varied traditions, all of which
offer the base to working with the body, mind, soul and spirit
as a whole. My trainers were western professionals
and researchers in health and philosophy as well as oriental
masters, asian chamans and amerindians, kahunas of Hawaii for
the polynesian culture. They taught me various methods and ways
of thinking, all based on welcoming with gratitude what is and
how to use our will in alignement to define and implement the
objectives of our personal vision. I also am a certified psychotherapist. |