main focus is on what works, not what is deficient. So, a therapist
may first figure out what his client knows to do well and then
apply this to the area this person has difficulties with. Old
programs, created in early childhood or during a traumatic experience,
are released with gratitude and adapted to the present situations.
As in the case of a computer up-date, what works is maintained
while programs that get stuck are changed. We have the choice
of changing the record, instead of playing the same scratched
record over and over again. You reprogram the thought patterns
so that there are new choices possible, opening new ways of
dealing with "old" difficulties. Sometimes these oldies
even turn out to be valuable resources. As we experienced in
a very involved group during these last years, focusing on efficiency
instead of mulling over failures brings about a lighter, helpful
atmosphere stimulating the keenness to discover ones full potential.
Claudine Marchand, Ph.D. biochemist and neurobiologist,
with credentials as a practitioner of radionics, acupuncture,
homeopathy, Bach Flower facilitator and naturopath, as well
as NLP certified psychotherapist and Reiki master, Claudine
integrates what is needed from her broad repretoire to help
people reach their autonomy faster. She offers counseling and
mentoring for body, soul, mind and spirit as well as supervisions
with individuals and groups. |