time ago, the extremely precise observation of life in all its
manifestations led to the discovery of the secret, or non-obvious
aspects of things, soon bringing about a philosophy called HUNA,
the "secret" or "hidden knowledge". Once,
the sages of that culture got together to share their knowledge
of life and healing. Finally, they chose to express their concentrated
wisdom as seven principles, easy to teach and to remember. Each
word in the Hawaiian language carries several meanings, as reported
in the following examples.
1. Ike: The world is what you think it is – Everything
is a dream. All systems are arbitrary. There are thousands
of ways of perceiving things.
2. Kala: There are no limits – Everything
is connected – Anything is possible. Take the
freedom to change believes, and to open up your view.
3. Makia: Energy flows where attention
goes -Attention goes where energy flows – Anything
is energy. Focalize on your aim.
I offer private consultations and seminars co-presented with
my colleague Claudine Marchand in French and English.