letters, W o, added to the last word of the well known sentence
"Peace on earth, goodwill to all men" bring attention
to humanities forgotten half, Women. For centuries Christians
have heard this phrase at least once a year. Although we know
that "men" was intended to say mankind, quickly the
narrower meaning took over and society forgot that women were
an important part of it. With time a patriarchal society developed,
without respect for the so-called feminine qualities, like listening,
caring, intuition, cooperation, global views, compassion and
many more. Today we are called to recuperate our male/female
balance to be able to integrate with high efficiency the relentless
changes Mother Earth confronts us with. Each one of us is to
value equally his /her "right brain qualities" as
the "left brain qualities". We are to be precise in
the choice of our words, especially in these times of the awakening
of the women, as well as the part of femininity in all men.
The exquisite embroidery on these T-shirts reminds your body,
your mind and your heart to celebrate the balance of male and
female. |