little as an apostrophy may be, introduced into "Mission
Impossible" at the proper spot, it changes it's meaning
into a strong positive message: "Mission I'mpossible".
In daily life a subtle change in our point of view can bring
up unthought of solutions. Sometimes a small change is all it
takes to move mountains.The Artwork of this logo was designed
so that each letter represents an aspect of the global message.
The steering wheel reminds us to take control of our own lives;
let your relationships be in harmony as symbolized by two people
dancing closely together; the halo around their heads shows
that these two figures have integrated their higher self, their
divinity; the bow reminds us that the arrow follows the intention
of the archer; and imagine, as in the song of John Lennon, that
the globe symbolizes global harmony; welcome the solid base,
as drawn in the letter m, wherefrom the spiral of limitless
communication of the I can soar up, with or without the net.
Together they confirm "I am"! Her we have encountered
our true being. We open the doors wide for it to blossom and
express our awakening with no restraints in our daily life. |