As a real Swiss, I grew up in German speaking Zurich with my mother speaking Italian and my father French. I was used to sharing everything in the family, even one single chocolate truffle amongst six people. I worked my way through university, studying natural sciences, achieving a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Parallel to research in neuroscience, I took courses in subjects helping human beings to function on all levels in harmony. Finally, after 18 years, I decided to leave the laboratories, to add up investigations and study of alternative medicine, traditions of various cultures, psychophysical and energetic approaches as well as transpersonal psychology. Today, I combine knowledge and personal experience to be of service to my fellow human beings through private consultations and seminars, helping people to unblock what keeps them from functioning at their best.
        Private consultations are available by appointment, also possible by phone or e-mail. (For more information on how I work, click on pictures and/or click on the subjects list.) To attend seminars and workshops in the fields of health and personal evolution, coaching, personal efficiency and education as well as Hawaiian shamanism, click on Seminars on the top menu bar. To join us on Sacred Journeys to Hawaii, click on Sacred Journeys on the top menu bar. For dates of activities click Calendar of Events on the top menu bar.


by Aki of Hawaii & MARCHAND, PH.D.

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2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010