late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist and researcher, made
the human voice visible to the naked eye, creating an image
of sound, without the help of any electronic apparatus. In 1967
Hans Jenny published Cymatics –The Structure and Dynamics
of Waves and Vibrations. In this book, Jenny showed what happens
when various materials like sand, water, or iron filings placed
on a vibrating metal surface or a membrane, are exposed to sounds
via the tonoscope a kind of crystal oscillator. Shapes and motion-patterns
appear, some of which are nearly perfectly ordered and stationary.
Others develop in a turbulent, organic fashion, and are constantly
in motion. In
his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the
vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were
pronounced out loud, the sand showed the shape of the written
symbols for the corresponding vowel. However, our modern languages
did not generate the same result! Jenny used crystal oscillators
and invented what he called a ''tonoscope'' to set his plates
and membranes vibrating. One of the most fascinating discoveries
he made was that the vowels of Hebrew and Sanskrit, when toned
into his media, formed the actual patterns of the letters themselves!
Modern languages did not have this effect. Is there something
to the concept of "sacred language", Sanskrit, Tibetan,
Hebrew, Egyptian and Chinese,? So that there is an actual, physical
reason why the recitation of sacred mantras and texts may have
real healing properties, as tradition tells us for thousands
of years. To heal a person who has gone "out of tune"?
Jenny thought
that evolution was a result of vibrations, with the vibrations
of one level of organization, such as that of cells, each one
unique, combining to create glands and organs and so on, each
new level being a harmonic of the previous one. Jenny saw that
we could heal the body with sound by understanding how different
frequencies influence the genes, cells, and organs of the body.
Out of Jenny's work, and that of other scientists in the late
fifties, came the renewed use of sound to transmute diseased
cells into their healthy counterparts. |
Vowel A sound in
sand. |
"Every cell within
the body gives a sound. That sound is life itself. Cells can be altered,
activated and stimulated by sound and music". |
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